Lunes, Oktubre 14, 2013

Blogpost 3: Edifice of Atlantis

We live in a specific address, that’s what we called home. Home is a structure, where we live. Edifice is important in anyplace, like home. It makes the place more beautiful than what should it be look like. The structure made the place durable. I remember the structure of Atlantis, it's very artistic and very clear. It made the place more interesting and looks like a palace where the king and queen lives. The first time I saw the place "Atlantis" in the greek mythology movie, I became interested in Atlantis. I became amazed in the place, even if I just saw Atlantis in the television and Atlantis is not yet proven by people. It is not yet discovered by people and inside this topic the mystery is still ongoing.

I read an article entitled "The religious structure of Atlanis" by Favonius Cornelius in the website "". In this article, it says the one who focused about the structure of the Atlantis is the two gods named "Aphrodite" and "Apollo". Aphrodite is a very beautiful woman, goddess of beauty and Apollo is a healer. They are both god and the maybe the structure of Atlantis reflects in their faces. It looks beautiful and amazing.
The walls, floor and etc. are perfectly made by the people of gods who made the structure of Atlantis. Based on the pictures I saw while researching about my topic, I realized that Atlantis has a great structure and based on the structure of this place it can be called magical place without doubt.

The place Atlantis is very mysterious, because until now the theories of Plato is not yet proven. Some pictures describes Atlantis in the middle of the sea and some are underwater, but some says it's in the middle of the sea and destroyed many years ago because of earthquakes and tsunamis and went under the sea. Also some articles says that because of the biggest volcanic eruption.  In some articles, they say Atlantis was made for the gods and Atlantis must be the home of the goddesses. Atlantis has a great and wonderful structure because the slave of the goddesses was commanded to do a great place for them.

There are many videos in the website "Youtube" and I watch some of these. One of the videos entitled "Atlantis: History's Mysteries | History Channel Documentary":

Based on this video, the island of Atlantis was vanished but the some destroyed structures are discovered under the sea and they say what they discovered is the structures of the island of Atlantis. This video or theory is not yet proven that what they found out is the real Atlantis. What I found out is Atlantis is very mysterious and I am ready to discover more things about this place. 

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