Linggo, Oktubre 6, 2013

Blogpost 1: Palace of Poseidon

People is living in Earth, in this changing world. In everyday, human life has always have a bad and good happenings. In this world, nothing's perfect. No one is perfect. But when I watched the Greek mythology movies like Clash of the Titans, Wrath of the Titans and etc. I saw in the movie the place Atlantis, and the day I'd watched that movie a became interesting in Atlantis that some people called as the magical place because this place is very beautiful and really nice place.

I am Kimberly E. Alumno, and I love watching movies and when the time that I'd watched the Clash of the Titans I started to think about what Atlantis really look like and now that I have this chance to share a topic, the first thing that came up to my mind is Atlantis because it is really interesting and I really want to discover if this magical place is really existing in this changing world.


I found an article entitled "Poseidon" by Paige Seller, in the website "Encyclopedia Mythica". I found out that Atlantis was owned by Poseidon, the god of the sea. Son of Cronus and Rhea. Poseidon is the protector of all waters. He has his trident, and he is very powerful. Poseidon is very moody mythical creature and I knew that e is powerful because he take care of the sea and he can control the sea through his powers. When sea is quiet and calm that means Poseidon is in good mood and the sea looks peaceful and when Poseidon gets angry, Poseidon would strike his trident in to the ground and it will cause earthquakes, tsunamis and etc.
Poseidon has his brothers, Zeus and Hades. These two is has also part in the universe, Zeus is the god of the sky he lives in Mt. Olympus and Hades owns the underworld. Based on what I saw the greek mythology movie Poseidon has a very strong personality, and I saw where he lives in a wonderful place. Atlantis is very wide, and it is under the sea. This place is very perfect it is so beautiful and looks wonderful. That's why Atlantis is called as "the magical place".

I read a quote by Plato a philosopher, I read it from a website "twicsy". Plato said that "According to greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two seperate beings, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves."

While searching about Atlantis, I remember the animated movie entitled "The Little Mermaid." The Little Mermaid is a Disney animated movie (literally: "the little sea lady") very known as fairy tale by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. This animated movie is about a young mermaid, willing to give up her life in the sea and her identity as a mermaid to gain a human soul and the love of a human prince, that is the latest version of the little mermaid. The little mermaid have its old version look like what the animated movie is but Atlantis, Poseidon and the main character is not introduce. I read an article entitled "The little mermaid" by Hans Christian Andersen, in the website "". The tale was first published in 1836 and has been adapted to various media including musical theater and animated film.

The Little Mermaid named Ariel lives in an underwater kingdom also known as Atlantis, with her father (the sea king or mer-king, also called as Poseidon), her grandmother, and her five sisters. This place is really wide and very beautiful. Her five sisters are each born one year apart. When a mermaid turns 15, she is permitted to swim to the surface to watch the world above, and when the sisters become old enough, each of them visits the upper world every year. As each of them returns, the Little Mermaid listens longingly to their various descriptions of the surface and of human beings.

When the they that little mermaid became old enough she swims under the sea, go everywhere she wants and she tried to look above the sea and when she looked up she saw a man that very charming and handsome. She fell inlove with this guy and realized that she want to be a human that have a legs to walk because she want to live as an ordinary person and she also want to be with his prince charming the guy that she saw in the ship. She want to get married with that guy. Then she actually decided to go to the Sea Witch to have a potion that will give her a legs but before she gets the potion she needs to sacrifice her tongue. Ariel, the little mermaid has the enchanting voice in the world. The sea witch wants her voice to have the enchanting voice that everyone wants. Even if she lost her voice its okay to her because she really want to have a legs to walk into the ground and to meet his prince charming that she really loves.

After she met his prince charming, that guy adopted him in his house. House that really big. The guy that she love is very rich. After a long time ago the prince also fell inlove with Ariel because she is very beautiful and she is very kind. The voice of Ariel came back and the sea witch gets angry and go to the ground and kidnapped Ariel to get her beauiful voice again. Then her prince charming gets him from the sea witch hands. Poseidon helps him and Ariel came back to ground and after that happenings the prince decided to get married with Ariel and Poseidon agreed, and they live happily ever after.

This story inspires me, and makes me more interested with Atlantis. For me Atlantis is not only the place that is beautiful but also the story inside the history of this magical place. As a ordinary person, I want to go to Atlantis to see the beauty of the sea and the palace that they called magical place. I want to discover more about Atlantis and know if Atlantis really exist.

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