Martes, Oktubre 22, 2013

Blogpost 7: The Lost Empire

Our generation now is very amazing, we are in a modern generation. There are so many things that discovered by people. In past 60 years, people use letter in order to communicate with other people but now we use our mobile phones to texts our love ones or the people we need to communicate. Now that we are in modern generation, we almost forgot the way we communicate last 60 years, but why almost all of us don’t forget the mystery in Atlantis, the lost empire? Scientists believe that Atlantis was destroyed 3500 years ago while the process of communicating last 60 years was forgotten. I think the answer in that question is because people wants to see the Atlantis as Atlantis was describe by the philosopher Plato.

I read an article entitled "The lost continent" by Benjamin Radford in the website "". In the article it says that Atlantis is still the popular topic in the whole world, because people still do not know if Atlantis exist or it is true that Atlantis was destroyed because of volcanic eruption. Because of Plato's thoughts people became curious about this topic. Almost all of us want to found out the mystery about Atlantis. Some people still believes in Plato's thoughts and some of us believe that Atlantis is just a myth and nobody will find Atlantis because it is not true and some of us just do some gossips about Atlantis. The lost empire of Atlantis became popular because of the two sides that debating about the myth and the legend side of Atlantis and also because of Plato's idea that Atlantis is a magical place that's why people trying to found out the truth behind this lost empire.

The lost empire of Atlantis still remains in the memory of people because the truth inside this topic is not yet solve, because of many grapevines about Atlantis. The lost empire Atlantis was described as a rich and powerful empire, but why people thinking of rich and powerful empire? That is because people wants a perfect city or powerful empire like other country, but the other countries is not that powerful as Atlantis was describe so that people always find the truth inside Atlantis.

I read an article entitled "Atlantis: secrets of the real lost city" by Bettany Hughes in the website "The Telegraph", this article says that Atlantis really exist and the lost empire was destroyed by tsunamis and volcanic eruption 3500 years ago, "and as Plato's thoughts Atlantis has a amazing buildings" said by this researcher named Bettany Hughes. Why people don't stop thinking about this lost empire? That is because the story about Atlantis is not yet proven. Some says it doesn't exist but there still things that comes or floating stories that saying that Atlantis exist. As long as the facts or the grapevines about Atlantis still alive the legend or the myth of lost empire Atlantis will still exist until the day came and people stop talking about this popular topic, the lost empire of Atlantis.

The mystery of the lost empire of Atlantis still captures the imagination of millions. As a ordinary person, like others I still think about Atlantis. The possibility that this lost empire really exist is still there. I discovered as I researched about the lost empire of Atlantis people think about Atlantis because of the idea that Atlantis is a rich, powerful empire and has a beautiful surroundings and it is almost perfect. The idea of Atlantis still remains in people's mind because people wants to live in a perfect society. Some people hoping that Atlantis really exist because they want to live in a perfect empire.

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