Biyernes, Oktubre 25, 2013

Blogpost 8: The Perfect Society

In life, there is always a good and bad happening. In every people, there are always strength and weaknesses. It means, in this world nothing's perfect, nobody's perfect. People believe that in this changing world nothing is going to be perfect, but there is one person that believes that there is a perfect place, a perfect society that existing in this world. This person was named Plato, a great philosopher, and he is famous because of he's theories about a perfect place or perfect society. He made a book entitled "Republic", in the book he explains the perfect society in a triangle.

Based on the book, Plato says that in the triangle there are 3 class of people that exist in a perfect society. The lower class are the workers, workers are working for the society and they are the slaves of philosopher-kings. The middle class is the soldiers or the warriors, they are in the middle class because they protect their society and also the philosopher-kings . The philosopher-kings is in the top because the philosopher-kings is the leader and the society they control their city as they want and they are boss of all people in the city. I read an article entitled "Plato: The Republic" by Antonis Coumoundouros in the website "Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy", the article says that the book republic is all about justice. In the book, the justice was discussed by Plato and other foreigners and they found out that man could be happier if they got justice and the people that do not follow the orders of the philosopher-king would be punished and in that discussion the idea of a perfect society came. Atlantis is a example of a perfect society based on Plato's thoughts, it has a beautiful surroundings the whole structure was made by the workers. Atlantis is a rich and powerful empire, it was protected by the soldiers or what we called warriors by that time and this society was controlled by philosopher-king.

Why people still think of Atlantis? Why people want a perfect society? All of us wants a daily happy life, but we know that it wouldn't happen because this world is not perfect. There are many vision about Atlantis. I read an article entitled "The perfect society and ours" by David W Lawrence in the website "", the article says that perfect society could be define as people lives freely. Society with a strong culture of sharing each other, loving one another, people could work together without hurting and respecting each other is the vision of the perfect society.

This article also says that, a perfect society is can be possible if people would be open minded, people will be willing to help each other, and if people can express themselves without judgement of others. As long as people became selfish, the idea of a perfect society is impossible to make. People make the world beautiful, only people can make the country or the world perfect. The idea of a perfect society means a world peace. If there's no peace, there is always a war. People would not understand each other feelings. If people continue to think critically the world can't be peaceful, it is impossible to make the ideal society that all of us wanted.

The grapevines about Atlantis still exist because the unfulfilled dreams of mankind, I think all of us want to live happily. The ideal society like Atlantis became popular and not yet erased in people’s mind because it was describe as perfect. After I researched about Atlantis as a perfect society, I've realized that as long as people help each other and people still wanted a perfect life, a perfect society or to live happily this topic will became popular.

Martes, Oktubre 22, 2013

Blogpost 7: The Lost Empire

Our generation now is very amazing, we are in a modern generation. There are so many things that discovered by people. In past 60 years, people use letter in order to communicate with other people but now we use our mobile phones to texts our love ones or the people we need to communicate. Now that we are in modern generation, we almost forgot the way we communicate last 60 years, but why almost all of us don’t forget the mystery in Atlantis, the lost empire? Scientists believe that Atlantis was destroyed 3500 years ago while the process of communicating last 60 years was forgotten. I think the answer in that question is because people wants to see the Atlantis as Atlantis was describe by the philosopher Plato.

I read an article entitled "The lost continent" by Benjamin Radford in the website "". In the article it says that Atlantis is still the popular topic in the whole world, because people still do not know if Atlantis exist or it is true that Atlantis was destroyed because of volcanic eruption. Because of Plato's thoughts people became curious about this topic. Almost all of us want to found out the mystery about Atlantis. Some people still believes in Plato's thoughts and some of us believe that Atlantis is just a myth and nobody will find Atlantis because it is not true and some of us just do some gossips about Atlantis. The lost empire of Atlantis became popular because of the two sides that debating about the myth and the legend side of Atlantis and also because of Plato's idea that Atlantis is a magical place that's why people trying to found out the truth behind this lost empire.

The lost empire of Atlantis still remains in the memory of people because the truth inside this topic is not yet solve, because of many grapevines about Atlantis. The lost empire Atlantis was described as a rich and powerful empire, but why people thinking of rich and powerful empire? That is because people wants a perfect city or powerful empire like other country, but the other countries is not that powerful as Atlantis was describe so that people always find the truth inside Atlantis.

I read an article entitled "Atlantis: secrets of the real lost city" by Bettany Hughes in the website "The Telegraph", this article says that Atlantis really exist and the lost empire was destroyed by tsunamis and volcanic eruption 3500 years ago, "and as Plato's thoughts Atlantis has a amazing buildings" said by this researcher named Bettany Hughes. Why people don't stop thinking about this lost empire? That is because the story about Atlantis is not yet proven. Some says it doesn't exist but there still things that comes or floating stories that saying that Atlantis exist. As long as the facts or the grapevines about Atlantis still alive the legend or the myth of lost empire Atlantis will still exist until the day came and people stop talking about this popular topic, the lost empire of Atlantis.

The mystery of the lost empire of Atlantis still captures the imagination of millions. As a ordinary person, like others I still think about Atlantis. The possibility that this lost empire really exist is still there. I discovered as I researched about the lost empire of Atlantis people think about Atlantis because of the idea that Atlantis is a rich, powerful empire and has a beautiful surroundings and it is almost perfect. The idea of Atlantis still remains in people's mind because people wants to live in a perfect society. Some people hoping that Atlantis really exist because they want to live in a perfect empire.

Blogpost 6: Technology in Atlantis

The advancement of making things easier, the machines, the systems, the crafts, and etc. is called technology. Technology become popular, it move faster. Technology makes things easier. Technology can also be the source of improvements in  our country. In everyday life, we use technology like mobile phones, washing machine, television, electric fan, florescent lamp and etc. Our technology is advance, they make life more easier. Easier to wash clothes, easier to send a message, easier to do more and many more things.

I researched about technology in Atlantis, based on article I read entitled "Atlantis Technology" by Nikola Tesla in the website "Teslaenergy", Atlantis has more advance technology than us. Some people says that Atlantis is five times more advance technology than Japan's technology. High technology in Atlantis has a simple geometric forms, such as: rod, triangle, rhomboids (forms of sacred geometry and crystal structure) This dimension would throw everything to memory hole because it doesn't know how to start it, doesn't know anything because it doesn't have knowledge about the heart. Simple tool with  great idea can make a wonderful technology. All machines, equipment, transportation, and other technology in Atlantis is all nice. Their technology was made with sense and nice to have.

Some people believes that more advance technology can make a country or place more powerful like Atlantis, because technology can affect society and its surroundings. Atlantis have more advance technology that's why this place is also known as rich and powerful empire. Technology also helps the city, example of it is Atlantis. Atlantis is also known as empire with great military force. Technology like nuclear bombs can help the empire invincible than other city. Technology have advantages and disadvantages. Some advantage of it is to help people to do their jobs easier and the disadvantage is it can make people lazier than now. Some of us still believe in Atlantis and some are not. Some believe that Atlantis has advance technology. Some people want to discover if Atlantis really existing and have a great technology.

As I discover the technology that exist in Atlantis based on some theories, I believe that anything is possible to have. We can also make a technology that also advance like the technology or gadgets in Atlantis. Technology has a good purpose, so don't abuse using some gadgets, machine, equipment or technology. We must also move and make some improvements in what we do. This topic made me realized that technology must use in a good way. I still believe that Atlantis is a great topic and this blog proves that.

Blogpost 5: Atlantis concept

Every now and then people want to live in a perfect society, and some people wants to have a great society like a city with misery because some people wants a thrill. Most people want to live in a beautiful and peaceful place, to live without any problems and to relax and just feel the presence of the place they wanted, because of the people think about a perfect place like Atlantis, some companies decided to build a hotels, spa, casino and etc. with the concept of Atlantis. Example of these companies is Atlantis hotel here in the Philippines, Atlantis adventures, Atlantis casino and etc. These companies is just a few example that express the idea about Atlantis as magical place.

I saw in a website "Drivetrip" that there is a hotel & spa in the Philippines that came from the concept Atlantis, I saw the overview entitled "Atlantis dive resort". This resort is found in the Dumaguete, Puerto Galera, and Azores. They get the idea from Atlantis to build a wonderful resorts that will attract many people. They get the concept of Atlantis as a beautiful place that all of us wanted. In this dive resort, you can do anything you want, you can live free and happy. You can relax here and see the beauty of nature and feel the air and realize that, this place is perfect. This resort was also made for the people who want to see Atlantis, this resort command our wishes to see the beauty of Atlantis.

Atlantis is not only conceptualize in the hotels, spas and casinos, there are some video games came from the idea of Atlantis. Example of these video games are Bioshock 2, Atlantis, The rise of Atlantis, Atlantis the lost empire, and etc. These is just a few sample of video games that came from the idea of Atlantis.

 I read an article entitled "Bioshock" by Kirk Hamilton in the website "Kotaku", this article is all about Bioshock. Bioshock is a video game came from the concept Atlantis, the grand storyline of the underwater metropolis. The first suggested title in this video game was "Sea of dreams". The first major details on this game were revealed last April 2009, around the same time the viral site "There's something in the sea" was revealed. The investigation into the disappearances of the girls from the coastline areas around the Atlantic with a mysterious red light that accompanies the kidnapping. The demo showed many features including the ability to walk under the water. The under water idea came from Atlantis because the Atlantis myth version was known that Atlantis is under water.

After I researched about this topic, I realized that I have many benefit in this certain topic because I can also use Atlantis as my idea to have a new strategy to make a business or something else. Doing other things that came from another idea can be a strength and can be also weakness. It can be also strength to have a new plan in life and can be weakness to be just an imitate of one idea.

Martes, Oktubre 15, 2013

Blogpost 4: Fashion in Atlantis

Some people says you can see the attitude of a person in their suit, in their fashion. You can see what class of a person he/she was because of his/her fashion or outfit. I found a quote by Gilbert K. Chesterton, he said “The present condition of fame is merely fashion.” This quotes means that they way you dress up yourself it will reflect on your personality. In Atlantis, the goddesses have their on fashion. They have their own style to look presentable to other people. 

Ancient Greek fashion and clothing is very different from the clothing we wear today. There were two main types of clothing. One was called a Doric Chiton, and the other is referred to as an Ionic Chiton. They were very similar, but a Doric Chiton was a little longer than and Ionic Chiton. They were mostly made of wool. They were colored yellow, brown, red, and sometimes blue. Patterns and borders were sown on for decoration. Women generally wore a Doric Chiton which were considered to be a traditional dress. If for some reason they did wear an Ionic Chiton then they would wear another piece of fabric over it. Women didn"t wear hats. However, they did wear ribbons, scarves, and jewelery. Men usually wore a shorter version of an Ionic Chiton. When it was cold they would wear cloaks over the top. They wore hats pestasos when they traveled. Otherwise, they wore a hat called a pilos.
In the article entitled "God Dresses Differently Here" in the website "Turk's Head review", it says the goddess dress like this because they dress like a winner.

In the movie Clash of the Titans, the warriors dress like this because this suit protects the warrior against their opponent.
The warriors are fighting for their position, for their loved ones and others. They dress symbolizes their personality. When you are wearing properly and presentable, you have a high position in one place. If your attire has something hard or have some protection in your attire, it is for warriors fighting their opponents and if you are not wearing too unfavorable attire you are a slave or hard to place your jurisdiction. Based on I found about people living in Atlantis and about their clothes, I now believe to be able to see your identity or conduct your outside appearance.

This research about fashion of the goddess, the warriors and slaves makes this topic more interesting because the way the goddesses, the warriors and the slave dress up is very different from our generation now a days.

Lunes, Oktubre 14, 2013

Blogpost 3: Edifice of Atlantis

We live in a specific address, that’s what we called home. Home is a structure, where we live. Edifice is important in anyplace, like home. It makes the place more beautiful than what should it be look like. The structure made the place durable. I remember the structure of Atlantis, it's very artistic and very clear. It made the place more interesting and looks like a palace where the king and queen lives. The first time I saw the place "Atlantis" in the greek mythology movie, I became interested in Atlantis. I became amazed in the place, even if I just saw Atlantis in the television and Atlantis is not yet proven by people. It is not yet discovered by people and inside this topic the mystery is still ongoing.

I read an article entitled "The religious structure of Atlanis" by Favonius Cornelius in the website "". In this article, it says the one who focused about the structure of the Atlantis is the two gods named "Aphrodite" and "Apollo". Aphrodite is a very beautiful woman, goddess of beauty and Apollo is a healer. They are both god and the maybe the structure of Atlantis reflects in their faces. It looks beautiful and amazing.
The walls, floor and etc. are perfectly made by the people of gods who made the structure of Atlantis. Based on the pictures I saw while researching about my topic, I realized that Atlantis has a great structure and based on the structure of this place it can be called magical place without doubt.

The place Atlantis is very mysterious, because until now the theories of Plato is not yet proven. Some pictures describes Atlantis in the middle of the sea and some are underwater, but some says it's in the middle of the sea and destroyed many years ago because of earthquakes and tsunamis and went under the sea. Also some articles says that because of the biggest volcanic eruption.  In some articles, they say Atlantis was made for the gods and Atlantis must be the home of the goddesses. Atlantis has a great and wonderful structure because the slave of the goddesses was commanded to do a great place for them.

There are many videos in the website "Youtube" and I watch some of these. One of the videos entitled "Atlantis: History's Mysteries | History Channel Documentary":

Based on this video, the island of Atlantis was vanished but the some destroyed structures are discovered under the sea and they say what they discovered is the structures of the island of Atlantis. This video or theory is not yet proven that what they found out is the real Atlantis. What I found out is Atlantis is very mysterious and I am ready to discover more things about this place. 

Biyernes, Oktubre 11, 2013

Blogpost 2: Plato the philosopher

We have several and different beliefs, some of us don’t understand each other because of our beliefs. Beliefs can be our weakness and strengths, we can also use these beliefs to discover more interesting things and prove it to others. While researching about Atlantis, I found out that there is someone who knows about Atlantis and his name is Plato, a Greek philosopher and also a mathematician, student of Socrates and he has a student named Aristotle.

Plato introduce Atlantis in Timaeus. I read an article entitled "Plato's Timaeus" in the website "Standford Encyclopedia of philosophy". Plato describe Atlantis as a beautiful and great place. Atlantis is a powerful island and empire based in Atlantic Ocean. He said that Atlantis is not a palace, but it's rich and powerful empire that enslaved other people and subdued other people them with military force. Atlantis has advanced civilization. Plato is a great philosopher who believes that Atlantis really exist. Plato describe Atlantis as ideal place. The city of Atlantis sat just outside the outer ring of water and spread across the plain covering a circle of 11 miles. I also read an article entitled "The Atlantis Secret" by Allan F. Alford in the website "Bibliotecapleyades". Based on Plato's saying, Atlantis was destroyed around 9650 BC. Atlantis is very wide, the island is lager than Libya and Asia together. The city of Atlantis has a very great structure. Plato believes the engineers who made the structure of Atlantis is perfectly professionals. The walls, floor and the equipment that used to build the city of Atlantis is perfectly made for the ideal place. Until now, the mystery about Atlantis can't be solve now.

I also read some article entitled "Atlantis - Plato's Atlantis From the Timaeus" By N.S. GillThis in the website "". This article proves that there are many philosopher have different beliefs about the lost city of Atlantis. Atlantis legend is more about the heroic Athens than a sunken civilization. I found a quote by Plato. He said that "Then listen, Socrates, to a strange tale, which is, however, certainly true." This quotes means tales, fables or theories in the some point is true. You can't just throw away an idea about a topic so you must believe in what you believe and prove it to others. Discover the things you want to discover and make some move to prove in what you believe. Many people believes in Plato's philosophy but some are not. Some people don't believe that Atlantis doesn't exist. But as Plato believes I also believe that Atlantis is really existing in Earth, and I want to find out that what I believe is true.  Yes, there are many theories about Atlantis and it makes me more interested in this topic. Now, I'll continue finding out the mystery inside Atlantis.

Linggo, Oktubre 6, 2013

Blogpost 1: Palace of Poseidon

People is living in Earth, in this changing world. In everyday, human life has always have a bad and good happenings. In this world, nothing's perfect. No one is perfect. But when I watched the Greek mythology movies like Clash of the Titans, Wrath of the Titans and etc. I saw in the movie the place Atlantis, and the day I'd watched that movie a became interesting in Atlantis that some people called as the magical place because this place is very beautiful and really nice place.

I am Kimberly E. Alumno, and I love watching movies and when the time that I'd watched the Clash of the Titans I started to think about what Atlantis really look like and now that I have this chance to share a topic, the first thing that came up to my mind is Atlantis because it is really interesting and I really want to discover if this magical place is really existing in this changing world.


I found an article entitled "Poseidon" by Paige Seller, in the website "Encyclopedia Mythica". I found out that Atlantis was owned by Poseidon, the god of the sea. Son of Cronus and Rhea. Poseidon is the protector of all waters. He has his trident, and he is very powerful. Poseidon is very moody mythical creature and I knew that e is powerful because he take care of the sea and he can control the sea through his powers. When sea is quiet and calm that means Poseidon is in good mood and the sea looks peaceful and when Poseidon gets angry, Poseidon would strike his trident in to the ground and it will cause earthquakes, tsunamis and etc.
Poseidon has his brothers, Zeus and Hades. These two is has also part in the universe, Zeus is the god of the sky he lives in Mt. Olympus and Hades owns the underworld. Based on what I saw the greek mythology movie Poseidon has a very strong personality, and I saw where he lives in a wonderful place. Atlantis is very wide, and it is under the sea. This place is very perfect it is so beautiful and looks wonderful. That's why Atlantis is called as "the magical place".

I read a quote by Plato a philosopher, I read it from a website "twicsy". Plato said that "According to greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two seperate beings, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves."

While searching about Atlantis, I remember the animated movie entitled "The Little Mermaid." The Little Mermaid is a Disney animated movie (literally: "the little sea lady") very known as fairy tale by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. This animated movie is about a young mermaid, willing to give up her life in the sea and her identity as a mermaid to gain a human soul and the love of a human prince, that is the latest version of the little mermaid. The little mermaid have its old version look like what the animated movie is but Atlantis, Poseidon and the main character is not introduce. I read an article entitled "The little mermaid" by Hans Christian Andersen, in the website "". The tale was first published in 1836 and has been adapted to various media including musical theater and animated film.

The Little Mermaid named Ariel lives in an underwater kingdom also known as Atlantis, with her father (the sea king or mer-king, also called as Poseidon), her grandmother, and her five sisters. This place is really wide and very beautiful. Her five sisters are each born one year apart. When a mermaid turns 15, she is permitted to swim to the surface to watch the world above, and when the sisters become old enough, each of them visits the upper world every year. As each of them returns, the Little Mermaid listens longingly to their various descriptions of the surface and of human beings.

When the they that little mermaid became old enough she swims under the sea, go everywhere she wants and she tried to look above the sea and when she looked up she saw a man that very charming and handsome. She fell inlove with this guy and realized that she want to be a human that have a legs to walk because she want to live as an ordinary person and she also want to be with his prince charming the guy that she saw in the ship. She want to get married with that guy. Then she actually decided to go to the Sea Witch to have a potion that will give her a legs but before she gets the potion she needs to sacrifice her tongue. Ariel, the little mermaid has the enchanting voice in the world. The sea witch wants her voice to have the enchanting voice that everyone wants. Even if she lost her voice its okay to her because she really want to have a legs to walk into the ground and to meet his prince charming that she really loves.

After she met his prince charming, that guy adopted him in his house. House that really big. The guy that she love is very rich. After a long time ago the prince also fell inlove with Ariel because she is very beautiful and she is very kind. The voice of Ariel came back and the sea witch gets angry and go to the ground and kidnapped Ariel to get her beauiful voice again. Then her prince charming gets him from the sea witch hands. Poseidon helps him and Ariel came back to ground and after that happenings the prince decided to get married with Ariel and Poseidon agreed, and they live happily ever after.

This story inspires me, and makes me more interested with Atlantis. For me Atlantis is not only the place that is beautiful but also the story inside the history of this magical place. As a ordinary person, I want to go to Atlantis to see the beauty of the sea and the palace that they called magical place. I want to discover more about Atlantis and know if Atlantis really exist.